Feedback on the Malindi Airport Expansion Concerns Raised

Monitoring Impact of Infrastructure and Development Projects on Peace, Security and Enjoyment of Human Rights; 
For the last two weeks, HURIAs #PublicComplaintsResponseTeam has been conducting one on one Meetings, indulging Key Informants both from the Kenya Airport Authority and National Land Commission to share grievances raised by the Project affected persons, seek clarification, confirm findings and evidence collected, as well provide recommendations and suggest ways of preventing potential violation of peoples rights in the implementation of the Airport Expansion, where the government seeks to acquire more than 259 hectares of land.
Today evening, HURIAs #PublicComplaintsResponseTeam held a feedback meeting with the Project Affected Persons (PAPs) of Kwa Chocha and Shela Ward. In this meeting HURIA presented the responses by NLC Kilifi County to concerns raised in the previous meeting.
Together with the Project Affected Persons, HURIA deliberated and agreed on next steps based on the response given.


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